Thursday, January 28, 2016

Intellectualization - allows for a conciliatory analysis of an event in a way that does not provoke anxiety

You cannot run from your past. It has happened. It's a permanent stain on your life; nothing can be done to change it or take it back. All you can do is recall and build off of your experiences. No amount of regret can change the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future; reflect on your past in a way that lets yourself know it's okay that it happened, and it's okay to move on. Always forgive yourself, but never forget what you had to forgive.

Love Yourself

I want you to love yourself. I want you to look at yourself as a mosaic beautifully created and articulated; made up of every fragmented moment and memory you've experienced. I want you to see constellations in the freckles of your arms. I want you to let love seep through those gaps in your teeth that you hate so much. I want you to see the universe in your own eyes. I want your own voice to be your favorite song. I want you to love yourself as much as the moon loves the sun; leaving himself in darkness to let her shine. I want you to sprout self love out of your scars like flowers force their way out of the cracks of city streets. I want you to wake up and be happy that you did. I want you to learn that you are capable of loving and of being loved. I want you to love yourself.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


I recently had a very close friend end his own life. It shook me in a way that nothing has in a very long time. It resonated with me that people truly don't see their worth, and may never see it. The fact that someone so close to me was battling with his monsters for so long and I didn't know gives me a sick feeling in my stomach, and a will to change the way mental health is looked at. Mental issues like depression and anxiety are common, but nothing short of serious. Especially in men, having one of these issues weakens you in the eyes of society. It's very important that you tell and show your friends that you love them; telling them after they're already gone is pointless. Please Please Please Please know how much you are loved and treasured. Your life is the most incredible gift, don't give it away.