Wednesday, November 18, 2015

20 Steps to Inner Peace

1. Tell your mom that she's beautiful and smart.
2. Tell your friends that you love them and that you're there for them.
3. Follow through; be there.
4. Smile at strangers. It may sound cliche, but that may be the only ounce of kindness they come in contact with all day.
5. Live with love running through your veins; love yourself, your friends, your family, strangers. Love despite the flaws.
6. Let yourself understand coldness; try to find out what may have made someone cruel. People are good at heart, always look for the best.
7. Do not let the world turn you hard.
8. Give chances, but not too many. It's a wonderful thing to be there for others but you need to know when to be there for yourself first.
9. Let yourself feel completely. If you feel sad, let yourself be sad. If you feel angry, let yourself be angry. Don't harbor your emotions and don't be ashamed of them.
10. Don't speak poorly of people. Everyone has a hard time sometimes, don't add to their troubles.
11. Learn yourself. Take some tome on your own to find out who you are. Fall in love with every inch of yourself, there's truly so much to love. Give yourself room to just 'be'.
12. Walk shining the light inside you to everyone you pass, plant flowers with every step and spread love with every word.
13. Give random compliments, on things other than physical features. Telling someone they're beautiful is a lovely thing to do, but sometimes they need to hear that they are kind and special, too.
14. Never ever fucking give up. Ever, You will be happy and your life will be incredible. You need to live to see it.
15. Take time to appreciate the beauty of the world. There are so many amazing things happening, let yourself be amazed. Its easy to forget how lucky we are to be alive.
16. Listen to the music you like. Listen to it loud and let yourself be enveloped in it.
17. If you need help, ask for it. Everyone needs a little help sometimes; it does not make you weaker as a person to admit that you're having a hard time and that you need someone.
18. Be kind to and listen to your body. It carries you and allows you to be the beautiful being that you are. Eat and drink enough, take your medicine, exercise, sleep.
19. Don't listen to the dark parts of your mind. Talk back to them, tell them to shut the fuck up and to let you be. You are allowed to simply 'be'.
20. You are always enough. Regardless of grades, skills, talents, family, ability; you are enough.


  1. I really like the theme of your blog. This list is encouraging and very inspiring. It gives people a reminder that life isn't always bad and even when things are, to never give up.

  2. I think this is such a great theme and this post really reflects that! I agree completely with everything you wrote in your blog and think everyone should follow all these steps and love number 17 cause I feel people dont do that too often!

  3. Christine,
    I really like that you have brought the attention of always appreciating the little things around us. People may not always take account of all the things they have in life until they realize that people out there dont have anything sometimes. Your blog inspires me. I like the idea of you explaining inner peace, it gives me a a guideline to knowing what I need. Thanks for that

    Best, Janna

    1. I love you and I hope I can make your days a little brighter

  4. This is so cute! It seems like something that my mom would hang in my living room. If everyone in this school would follow some of these simple steps people would be a lot less miserable. They are so easy and simple but would make such a huge difference!

    1. LOL this is cute haha my mom too probably and I think so too!

  5. How can i tell when i've achieved inner peace? is there a feeling associated or does it just happen unbenounced to me?

  6. Can I replace 1. with my father, and beautiful with cool, and smart with wise?
